Thursday, January 10, 2008



I dont even know where or how to start this post i am soo exhausted right now.

if you havent figured it out yet..i stay home with the kiddies until next month ill be working agian. staying home is kind of ok besides the huge bouts of bordem i go through.
My dear sweet Braylon has me sleeping til noon *which i NEVER do* when usually i am up by 10 a.m if not earlier. it makes me feel so lapse and lazy looking over at my clock and seeing 11:57 a.m that is sooo not my style. and what it does is makes me even MORE tired throughout the day..i the evening he's asleep and im RIGHT BEHIND HIM!! he is up every 2 maybe 4 hours and im sooo ready for my lil cutie to be past this stage!!

Now, Shamarr was sooo easy. after i couldnt breastfeed anymore *he was too damn greedy and tearing my breast up!!* i had to turn to formula, his greedy butt STILL wanted more so i had to add a lil bit of cereal to his bottles, but after id do that hed be OUT LIKE A LIGHT..i mean slept the ENTIRE night. But Braylon?? Uh Uh..i just stopped breastfeeding him and he's now on formula and oatmeal cereal..he is up ready to eat AND THEN wants to stare in mommies face..Oh and get this..lil dude wants me to GET UP and rock him as well as sing!! i have a HIDEOUS singing voice in the middle of the night!! So we dont get to sleep until bout 7 a.m *NO LIE!!* So yea..while all normal folk are up and getting ready for work and up feeding,singing,rocking,oh and watching The Steve Harvey Show at 6 a.m.

I mean, i hate to complain because i LOVE my babies non the less but i guess when i had Shamarr i shouldnt have taken that time for granted because K.D was there and when i needed sleep he was up with the baby. He's not here until next month *im counting the days!!* and sometimes i wish id had stayed my black ass home and other times i feel like i did this for a reason and i wont renege unless something good happens *Lord, YOU know what "good" im talking about* but until then im here taking care of my babies and patiently waiting for K.D to come and take back HIS role with them.




3 People Had To Say....:

who? said...

Motherhood sounds wonderful! certainly better than the Steve Harvey Show (never really liked it).

Miss Snarky Pants said...

I know where ya coming from and I'm so happy to be waaaayyyy past that phase... [My youngest is 7 years old]

I mean I'll help my daughter out with my grandson on occassion but ummm I had to go through it so it's only right that she get her fair share.

Hope you and the boys have a Great Weekend!!

Jazzy said...

ahhhhhhh the joys of motherhood! lol You seem like your handling it just fine though.