Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Questionaire

im jacking right now..i got this from la bella vita's spot and my girl ms behavin's..i was going to post something else but i didnt feel like trying to come up with a "penetrating" post goes:

Was 2007 a good year for you??

yea..i guess i can say it was because it couldve been worse..i can truly say 2007 was my coming of age..i realize the way i was living was unacceptable and was time for me to grow up...and i feel i did.

What was your favorite moment of the year??

i have 2..the moment i "man'ed up" and left all that i know behind in Ct and moved to Ga..and the birth of my new baby boy braylon *cheesing hard as hell*

What was your least favorite moment of the year??

*surpressing an embarrassed laugh* when i left my sidekick in K.D's car and he checked my text messages and found out about "Seat-filler"...damn..that was interesting *still trying not to laugh*

Where were you when 2007 began??

at my best friends party nice as hell and yelling at K.D on the phone to hurry his ass up picking up late ass friends of his *UGH!! i got NO kiss at the ball drop because he playing taxi!!*

Who were you with??

my people having a great and safe time.

Where will you be when 2007 ends??

at home

Who will you be with when 2007 ends??

with the kiddies, my mom and brother, most likely on the phone with K.D *knowing him he wont go anywhere cuz he trying to save money*

Did you keep your new years resolution for 2007??

didnt make one..i was too busy yelling at my man and "making up" with him by the
night ;-}

Do you have a new years resolution for 2008??

yea..get my behind in school..and aspire to be the best mom,daughter,sister,lover i can be.

Did you fall in love in 2007??

you know what?? i feel like i fell in love all over again with K.D..i dunno..i just feel the NEED to have him and i miss em' so much i actually cried the day he left..seeing him after NOT seeing him for 3 1/2 mths brought back all of my original i think i can confidently answer this question with a..yes *grinning from ear to ear*

if yes than who??

my K.D

If yes, do they know??

i havent told him

Are you still in love with them??

sure am

Do you regret it??

i dont regret anything in my life.

Did you break-up with anyone in 2007??

K.D and i broke up and got back together.

Did you make any new friends in 2007??

just blogger buddies..thats about it.

Who are your (most memorable) favorite new friends??


What was your favorite month of 2007??

id have to say Mar/Apr..there was a lot of "making up" going on between K.D and i..that was hella fun!! *sheeiit..thats how (and when) i got knocked up again*

Did you travel outside the US in 2007??

*pouting* no

How many states have you traveled to in 2007??


Did you lose anybody close to you in 2007??

no *thank you Jesus*

Did you miss anyone in the past year??

yea...will continue missing them until Feb 08'

What was your favorite movie you saw in 2007??

id have to go with Transformers,Spidey 3, and Disturbia

What was your favorite song of 2007??

i had a huge partying spurt this year and for some reason id LOSE it when Young Joc's "Its Going Down" came part "Ooo i think they like me...betta yet i know..lights camera action when i walk through tha do'" You cant tell me that wasnt everyones part!! lol

What was your favorite album from 2007??

i had a couple..i was feeling amy whinehouse..christina aguilera..kanye..common*you know what?? ima edit this and come back with some more*

How many concerts did you see in 2007??

none..but i did get to see Kat Williams and all of his hilarity.

Did you have a favorite concert in 2007??


Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2007?? as well as a lotta mary jane.

Did you do a lot of drugs in 2007??

mary jane aint a drug to me..i dont care what dem damn commercials say.

How many people did you sleep with in 2007??

DAMN!! is that REALLY ya business?? i dont discuss stuff like playin..just K.D..beefin or not id give up the coochie cuz caint nobody do me like ma' baby.

Did you do anything youre ashamed of this year??

yea..but fear that certain people might gain access to my blog...ill pass on this one

What was the biggest lie you told in 2007??

that i wasnt feeling "seat-filler" like that..truth was i liked him..i just wished he was K.D.

Did you treat anybody badly in 2007??

yea..but he aint go nowhere so what difference did it make?? lol

Did someone treat you badly in 2007??

hell yea..but i didnt go aywhere *for too long* so what difference did it make?? lol

How much money did you spend in 2007??

too damn much!!

What was your proudest moment in 2007??

Hmm..when i told my father the truth about himself.

What was your most embarrassing moment of 2007??

i dont think i had one...ill have to give that one some thought.

If you could go back in time to any moment of 2007..what would it be??

the moment when K.D found out about say sooo much more..i felt so bad because he was crying and all emotional i held back the REAL reason i went and started talking to another dude..even though i am quite sure he knew the reason..i still feel he needed to hear it from the horses mouth...and the "make up" that was REAL

What are your plans for 2008??

to make ma' mama proud and what i have to for my kids and what i need to maintain a happy family life.

4 People Had To Say....:

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Heeeeeyyyyy Ms. Lady :-)
Nice of you to participate.

Just wanted to swing by to wish you and yours a safe, happy & prosperous New Year.

Eb the Celeb said...


Jazzy said...

I can't believe he went through your sidekick! I thought only women did those kinds of! lol

Happy New Year!

Ms.Lady said...

thanx ladies *i know im late* ODiva-yes he did..that was waay too much for me..i saw a side of him i didnt even know existed..lil mr hide my emotions and