Friday, July 31, 2009

The Grestest Part

The greatest part of getting ahead is getting started.
Ive been gone for a loog while but Im back..brand new and reformed.

Life has come and b*tch slapped me so hard i had NO CHOICE but to TRULY get it together
I guess thats the way it goes eh??

My boyz are GREAT...funny as hell..growing faster than my eyes have time to catch up

Mar and I are actually better than ever...we recieved a MAJOR reality check and boy did it EVER chiggidy-check our arses
The best part is we are so close now its amazes me, we ACTUALLY know how to argue AND get over it THE SAME NIGHT *GASP*
Now that may sound crazy to some and believe me it wasnt the best feeling for me either but it is what it is and i KNEW i was being patient for SOMETHING...gosh..all the mess i put up with with this kid SOMETHIN HAD TO GIVE!!

I know for the most part Ive lost a few of my fellow bloggers..but if youre ANYTHING like me you check your roster and see whos doin what...even though with this ol Twitter thang whats the point of bloggin..hey occasional bloggin wont hurt..ay??

I have so much to be thankful for right now
I have been doing MAJOR soul searching..erasing certain people out of my life..letting go of others thoughts of me and the way i are,im ME love/like ALL of me or keeps it movin ya dig?? Living and learning from the mistakes Ive made..Just growing all togheter...realizing that i have been laying the veil over some deep rooted problems i have and the fact that they decided to rear their ugly heads and FORCED me to deal has made me appreciate my life and the fact that IM NOT PERFECT and there is still some work to be done.

Im revved and ready to go

y'all ready??

Heeeerrrree we go.....

1 People Had To Say....:

Tom_Gurl said...

Glad to see you're here, and things are going well for you!!! Can't wait to see pics of the boys....!

Definitely good to hear of the soul searching...wishing you the best of luck and all the happiness you deserve....

Now get your butt on twitter! LOL!